
Online Candidate Forums

The GEP is embarking on contacting other non-partisan election information organizations to organize online candidate forums for as many political races for the 2010 election season.  Online Candidate Forums would give the public much more opportunities to directly interact with candidates and see all the candidates in a particular race with no time limits and the ability to include all the candidates without waisting peoples precious time.

GEP Ventures

Campaign Support Committee

The GEP collaborating with candidates to create a general committee that will take donations and support any political campaign that agrees to run a completely volunteer-based campaign.  This will take money out of the equation, and allow the political process to be based on ideas and actual people.  It would be great for volunteer campaigns to go it on their own, but the need for some expenses to be paid for is important.

Click here for more informationCampaign_Support_Committee.htmlCampaign_Support_Committee.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0

Real-Time Direct Representative Democracy

GEP is helping to jump start a new era of representative democracy, based on direct representation of people in real-time.  Combining technology, representation and decision-making, this new democratic system allows for simple representation, and for infinite custom options for engaged citizens and politicians.  It all starts by people simply deciding who they want to represent them, and then it builds from their.

Election Reform

GEP knows that to bring integrity to government, first we need integrity in our election systems.  Election reform is the foundation to evolving our governance structures.  This includes equality between all candidates regardless of money or political party, non-partisan election certification, minimum requirements for wining election (50%+1), and incentives for people voting.  There are many many more options for improving elections for local to national levels.

Government Reform

After elections there are many ways to evolve our government processes to improve its function.  There are many possibilities including how voting is conducted, how many votes are necessary to pass budgets, how representation is determined, and so much more.  There are more possible ways to evolve our government than there are even ways to evolve the election process.  The more we can improve our guiding documents and processes the better.

International Law and Governance

It has become evident that the current international agreements and organizations that oversee international law are more and more important as the problems of the world become more common problems that everybody face together.  As this continues it is also evident that the current structures aren’t meeting the needs of the global people to solve these problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.  There are many ideas and opportunities for how we can evolve these structures to improve the experience of international citizenship that we all have.

Government Integrity Forum

The GEP is helping create a safe space to discuss political issues and the evolution of our Governance Systems.  Anyone can join in, and voice their option and needs simply by picking up a phone.  We are scheduling weekly conference calls where  we can talk about any issue you want to, with the general focus on Government Integrity.  Please join us in creating a meaningful and informative on-going discussion on how to evolve our governance structures and build solutions.

Click here for more informationOnline_Candidate_Forums.htmlOnline_Candidate_Forums.htmlshapeimage_8_link_0
Click here for more informationGovernment_Integrity_Forum.htmlGovernment_Integrity_Forum.htmlshapeimage_9_link_0
Click here for more informationDirect_Representation.htmlDirect_Representation.htmlshapeimage_10_link_0

More information coming soon.

More information coming soon.

More information coming soon.